Archives for Facebook

Perception vs. Reality & Other Sub-Genre news for Sept.26.2019

This week, the NYT reported that Female Artists made little progress in Museums, based on research from ArtNet. The study showed that while the perception is one of growing gender equity in the art world, the reality is that just 11% of museum acquisitions were of female artists in the last decade. And women artists make up just 2% of the global auction market.

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Entrepreneurial Producing, in memory of Steve Golin; Facebook & Blockchain & Film and More

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Ten Trends to Embrace in Branded Content and other Sub-Genre news for April 25

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Sub-Genre News July 26: BrandStorytelling & August Social Media Vacation Edition

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News Fri the 13th Edition: HBO vs Netflix and more

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Facebook Sucks: news for April 12th and more

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FAANG and Film

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Social Media Vacation

Whoa, August caught up with me something fast. I usually take the month of August off from all social media. I’ve just realized that I broke that rule by nine whole days, yikes. Time to get off these interwebs. Why am I telling you this? Well, as I said last year, I don’t want anyone to be offended if I don’t answer them on Facebook or Twitter for awhile. I’ll be back after Labor Day and I’m sure I won’t miss much (things slow down in August, that’s why I picked it for this kind of vacation). If you know me well, or are a client, you can find me on old fashioned email until August 18th, when I disappear for about ten days from all communications while I take my real world vacation.

Last year, this little experiment led me to abandon FourSquare altogether, but I missed Twitter a little bit. I imagine that this year might cause me to go ahead and abandon Google+ early and will likely kick me off Facebook, as I get less value from that place daily. We’ll see.

I am never one to blog super often anyways, but if you miss me, I suggest you spend some time reading Donald Whittington over at “The Automat” for awhile. I just discovered him when he wrote a stellar review of a film I’m a fan of, and now I’m a huge fan of his blog. He wrote my quote of the year regarding General Orders No. 9: “This movie is a plea to everyone to start thinking, now, about what you want from living. What do you want from the day? Surely there is more to existence than scrambling back and forth in our cars like maddened human tumbleturds trying to figure out where to push all our shit. “

I’m going to spend the next month thinking about what I want from the day, without asking the internet to help me out. I suggest you do the same sometime.

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