Every brand is now a studio. Every day, a new brand enters
the fray of content creation. They all want to be filmmakers. And I obviously
think that’s a good idea in general, or I wouldn’t advise brands on how to do
it, smarter. But at a time of superabundance, when the last thing the world
needs is another movie, smart brands should be thinking more about curation
than creation.
Mind you, I didn’t say every brand. People trust certain
brands and not others, and curation only works when there’s trust
involved. But for those brands that have
built such trust and have the following to prove it – there’s a unique
opportunity, and a glaring gap in the market for smart curation.
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, Joe Marchese wrote about curation and
the attention
economy for Redef recently, and pointed out: “…The brands, retailers, and
media companies that understand how to operate in the current Attention Economy
will become trusted curators and shape the future of culture
and commerce.” (emphasis mine).
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